Sept. 1, 2016 meeting

We had a great turnout at the meeting last Thursday, (28-30 of us) welcoming several summer friends, and saying goodbye to some as well.  We love to see you all!

A couple of announcements were made: the Kennebecasis Valley Guild’s show is the 15th-17th of Sept. in Quispamsis, and the 23rd and 24th of Sept. is the show in Calais by the St. Croix guild.  Both are well worth a trip.  The Island Art show is on now, and Sept. 10 is the opening of the island photography show at the Gallery.  

All quilt guilds in Canada who are members of the Canadian Quilters Association (CQA) are invited to help make 1000 quilts for Ronald McDonald Houses at children’s hospitals across the country to celebrate Canada’s birthday in 2017.  Some of us would like to do this, and Mary H. has received word about the fabric needed to make “slab” blocks for the project.  The block is an easy one, and doesn’t require a lot of precision measuring, so beginners would be able to make blocks as well as more experienced quilters.  I will be join to Calgary this month, so will search out the required fabrics (one strip of specific Canada 150th birthday fabric is to be included in each block) and bring some back with me.  The CQA does not want finished quilts, only blocks or tops.  They will look after the quilting and binding.

Mary H. is offering a class in October on “turning the heel” of a sock.  Those interested will meet with her individually ASAP so she can show us how to knit socks using a long circular  needle (size 2.75mm).  Let Mary know if you are interested.

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