Meeting April 7, 2016
I’m writing this on the morning of April 8, after a wild night here on Grand Manan. For those of you who are not here at the moment, the highest gust on Swallowtail was reportedly 167 kph, and the stern of the ferry came loose from its moorings. Crew was called in to help tie her up again. Luckily there was someone aboard who could call in reinforcements. She may have bumped the old ferry wharf. Some dents in the hull are evident, but no major damage. She left on time at 7:30 am today. Rumour has it that the waves were washing over the fishermen’s wharf at high tide, around 2 am.
Yesterday we had a moderate crowd, with delicious snacks as usual – this time thanks to Ruth. Dawn had her just completed quilt top, “Whirlwind”, which is destined to become the summer fund-raising quilt for the museum. Lovely colours, and a generous size. Dawn also had her yellow and black geometric quilt, which she is calling “Sunshine and Shadows”. It was great to see Sandra I. again. She shared her baseball quilt made for a grandson. I brought my quilt, “Cabins by the Shore”, a scrappy log cabin. Our knitters were going great guns, as were our caner, Ce, and basket maker, Wendy. (See attached photos). We welcomed back Wendy D., Ce B., and Ineke D, all of whom were away for part or all of the winter. I’ve noticed that the GM “seasonal chickens” are returning to the roost. Hope to see more of you all in the near future!
Members were reminded that Dawn and I are looking to take items from the group to Moncton for Gathering of the Guilds on April 22. Please bring in your display items over the next two Thursdays so we will have lots to share with the other guild delegates. We want knitting, hooking, baskets, crochet – as well as quilted items to take with us. In lieu of an official Show and Tell at the gathering, each guild will display their members’ items in their hotel rooms. We will also be taking the Wings Over Water quilt, our little guild raffle quilt (hopefully it will be done!), as well as one of each of our own quilts to show off. In addition we have prepared a summary of our past 2 years’ activities, a poster advertising our July quilt show (thanks to Mary H), and children’s pillow cases to give to the IWK. We are looking forward to touching base with other quilters in NB.
Here’s hoping our wet and windy spring weather will soon calm down and warm up!